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My Biography



I have been through it all, some might say, thank you.


Our classroom looks so much bigger now days, though I do sometimes wonder if anybody ever knew or wondered what really happened to me, or what if, maybe back when I was fourteen and in the 9th grade. What If I had not gone with my dad? What would I have done? Would I have graduated from Vernonia High School? I sometimes wonder.


Would I have graduated with the rest of my classmates?


 I do not honestly know, I sure wanted to, and in my mind, I had every intention of doing, just that.


 But at the time, my parents went through a divorce and my family was breaking up before my eyes. How was I to know, a rollercoaster ride awaits.


 My brothers were in their senior year; Wes stayed with my mother and later graduated. But me, I went everywhere and nowhere all at the same time.


Both emotionally and physically, I was the only child, out of the bunch of 5, that had their schooling abruptly interrupted.


 But I found it harder to think about what would happen over the next three years. It was like nothing I had ever imagined.


 Well, 1st I moved with my Father to Hillsboro,


2nd a few months later we moved to Tillamook OR.


3rd a few months later, I was sent to live with my Grandparents in Stites, Idaho.


4th a few months later I was sent to live with my biological Mother in Elk City Idaho.


5th a few months later I was sent back to my Dad in Forest Grove OR.


6th a few months later I was sent to live with my Sister in Seattle Washington.


7th a few months later I was sent to live with my Mother in. Vernonia Oregon.


Thank someone, for being a responsible person, (my guardian angel) stepmother, I made it back home.


I wondered what would have happened maybe, if I had not been tossed around like loose baggage on a conveyer belt, waiting to find its owner, In the middle of my high school years, sent from one home, to another home, and yet another etc. Maybe? What if? I had a real family & a home.


 What could have become of me? And Here I was, (I thought) back in Vernonia. I was sixteen and stable with my stepmother again. so, I thought, and tried vigorously hard to get back into the Vernonia High School. But they said I had missed too many credits. So, Since I was sixteen and the schools’ refusal to accept me back, denying my re-entry back into school. I decided since I had thought several times in the past about going into the military, now might be as good as any other.


 So, being left with this one choice, the military, my stepmother said, she would let me stay, until I (got my High School Equivalency). and could get into the military. A short stay later, in 79, at the age of 17 I turned to the military for a home and I enlisted into the Army.


Having little choice, I spent the next three months in basic training At ft. Knox KY., AIT training in ft. Benning GA.


In the summer of 1979 Drill sergeant treated me for someone taking a pair of boots and slamming them simultaneously (with my head in-between), one boot on each side of my head (on my ears) while I was sleeping. I had a headache for days.


then it was off to Warner Barracks in Bamberg Germany for 2.5 years. At Warner Barracks in 1980 1st armored division 1/54 inf. Company C-1, I made best 60-gunner in battalion things were looking up


then the clinic treated me for where I passed out in formation and hit my chin on the cobblestone road, chin first. This caused a deep bloody gash to my chin and blood was coming out my ears. The doctors said I received a hard impact concussion an injury to my chin, and a perforated eardrum from hitting the cobblestone road.


In April of 1980, forest grove hospital treated me when I went stateside for leave and was stricken with severe headaches Fever sweats and received care in forest grove Ore. Thought to be viral-meningitis, I spent 1 month on convalescent leave. I personally believe this was related to my previous injury to my head, back when I passed-out in formation.


The Company dentist treated me for when I was attacked by one of the soldiers that struck me in the mouth with his fist, busting my upper left tooth out.


The Dentist had to do a root canal and put a crown on it. I now need a partial to replace it.


Then while my classmates were graduating in 81, I was being reassigned to comeback stateside from Germany. My next duty assignment was Fort Hood Texas where I spent the next 1.5 years.


In fort hood 1982—83 2nd armored division 1/41 inf. The Company Clinic treated me when another soldier took his suppresser off his m16 then pointed it at me and at point blank range fired it at the right side of my head on my temple. I got shot with a blank at point blank range.


 Then In fort hood 1982—83 2nd armored division 1/41 inf. Company Clinic treated me when I was shoved off an APC onto a large stone (having a jagged point) which struck my spine as I hit. This injured my back and I was sent to a clinic where I received medical Care. the clinic tried to use ice therapy For several weeks on my back nearly giving me frost bite refused to send me for a cat scan due to cost and limited access. I was on limited duty for several weeks. Until my discharge


The military have a method of getting you to sign a waiver releasing them from any future responsibility of on-duty injuries. A method used on me taking away any possibility of future claim on my injuries.


While I’m in my final stage of out-processing they have me set down to claim my final check They set a waiver releasing them from any future responsibility of any on-duty injuries. They say as to receive my final check I need to sign a waiver or wait and be scheduled for a re-evaluation at the hospital. This process may take several days or weeks at the final step of the out-processing or discharge. What would an uneducated, unknowing, 21-year-old do, if he was short on cash And given a chance to Get his check? Sign the waiver.


After Military Service I got out of the army in Killeen Texas and decided to get to work.


 So, I took some college courses and had a lot of odd jobs here, there, always looking for a better one climbing that ladder.


 Until I went into commercial trucking, in the late 80’s

Then it wasn’t to many years and in 1993 Dr. Barton treated me, at Tuality of Aloha, hospital Beaverton OR. my L-4 disk had ruptured had “decompression surgery” on it. but It did not relieve the pain in my back, or down my leg, and my left leg never did regain much of its use or feeling.


then after 18 years of driving truck, in 1999, I finally saved up enough money and credit, and bought my own rig and trailer. and finally, I had a one truck business. Fun for a while


until On November 2003 VA Hospital treated, my neck for a ruptured disc my C 6-7 disk had to be fused


Then on August 2005 the VA Hospital treated, my back.  I had my L 4-5 disk rupture & it had to be fused.


I had my business going well, for almost eight years until when the economy got so bad in 2007. It got to where I could no longer work, and could hardly even walk, so I had to throw in the towel.

Now I am Disabled & limited to getting around, with the aid of medications and the use of my cane. The doctors say now my condition is permanent and there is slim chance of any recovery.


 I am receiving Social Security Disability to survive, but it barely covers my bills

 I believe these injuries to my head, neck, ears, back, tooth, and jaw, are all injuries that were related to my military time and from three fellow soldiers attacking my person while in the military, one with gun, one by fist, and one on an APC, these injuries should have been documented but conveniently were not. And both civilian and military doctors have stated to me, they believe over time these injuries may have degenerated my disks & likely led to my current disabilities, and could be the cause of other problems that I am now experiencing here today.


 I feel that I should qualify for benefits and compensation for these injuries, I received them in the military; I pleaded for the military to please help me? The Military refused to help me other than to provide for medical coverage at the VA

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