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Let's Make a Difference 2020

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Putting My Experience
to Work

The Great Recession showed us a few things about “Our once Great Nation”. Wall Street may wear suits and ties but they are bigger and meaner than some of the worst thugs out on the street, although their weapons of choice may not be guns and knives. They’re tools of the trade are underwriting, cutting losses by swindling, conning, and selling out your jobs, taking your job and making two jobs in its place at the lowest wage possible. Your life is changed abruptly for their Greed, wealth, power, and enormous Wall Street bonuses. The gratitude shown to you, you no longer have a job to feed your family. It’s shipped overseas in order for them to reap even bigger Bonuses & all their Profits & Gained wealth is through the losses you receive, their enormous profits and bonuses, “Welcome to the ways of Wall Street, where the Rich win and everyone else loses”!


As long as politicians are bought by Corporate lobbyist’s, The American job markets will continue to fall to outsourcing to 3rd world countries. The once proud middle-class workers will be no longer and continue stepping down to the lower paying jobs, forcing lower wage workers to take up the starting wage jobs, and the poor folks winding up out on the street or on welfare jobless.


And the lies & betrayal from our government and politicians will continue while they pleasantly look off the other way as corporations are writing our laws & doing the dirty work on Wall Street, while paying off the politicians with insider trading info and giving unbelievably enormous donations to their Choice candidates or parties basically buying the elections for them.


We have to prevent this from continuing we have to cleanout congress its bad in both parties, although its worse in the Republican Party, primarily because the Republicans represent the majority of the Greed in The Corporate World.

  • The right-wing’s been freaking about Obama bringing up the crusades and the Inquisition, to show that Christianity doesn’t have a blood-free history. Whether it’s posting videos with skewed definitions of the Crusades or claiming Islam is still worse because reasons, they’re in a blind rush to defend the tribe and, in the process, they’re not orchestrating a very effective defense.


History is full of atrocities committed by Christians for Christ, against not just other religions but against Christians themselves. Let’s take a look at some of them, shall we?




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